When I wrote this book a few years ago, it was just for fun, and I never imagined being brave enough to get it published. I honestly didn’t know where to start – I had no illustrations, no idea who to publish with and very little knowledge about the process itself, but I kept coming back to it and I just knew that I needed to dig deep and dream big.
I have always loved reading and bedtime was a favourite part of my day, when I had the opportunity to snuggle down and enjoy some quality time with our children. I found that books helped them to open a dialogue about their day, often sparked by the character or theme in the book that we were reading. It is so important to engage with children about what they are reading, but also to use the books as an example or lesson for them to refer back to.
Still to this day, I can recite some of our favourite books because we read them so many times - the pages may be worn and crumpled, but the memories are very much intact.
My intention is that this book will one day offer the same support, magic and enjoyment for my readers, and that it will become one of their favourite stories to read until the pages get crumpled and worn.
Thank you to everyone who has brought a copy so far, I am immensely grateful, and I hope that together we can spread not only the importance of reading, but also encourage the growth of self-confidence in children, one book at a time.
Big love, Clare xx
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